মধ্যপর্ব পরীক্ষা ২০২২ এর রুটিন

Download Mid Term Routine22

Date & Time Sem. Technology Subject Code Time


1st Computer Bangla-1 25711 11:00am
Electrical Bangla-1 25711 11:00am
3rd Computer Programming Essential 66631 11:00am
Electrical Electrical Circuit 2 66731 11:00am
5th Computer Programming In Java 66651 11:00am
7th Computer Network Administration & Services 66672 11:00am
Electrical Alternating Current Machines-2 66771 11:00am
1st Computer English-1 25712 12:30pm
Electrical English-1 25712 12:30pm
3rd Computer Social Science-1 65811 12:30pm
Electrical Social Science-1 66732 12:30pm
5th Computer Operating System 68546 12:30pm
7th Computer E‐Commerce & CMS 66674 12:30pm
Electrical Switch Gear & Protection 66773 12:30pm



1st Computer Physics – 1 25912 11:00am
Electrical Physics – 1 25912 11:00am
3rd Computer Mathemetics-3 65931 11:00am
Electrical Mathemetics-3 65931 11:00am
5th Computer Surveillance Security System 66652  11:00am
7th Computer Cyber Security & Ethics 66675 11:00am
Electrical Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Power‐2 66774 11:00am
1st Computer Basic Electricity 26711 12:30am
Electrical Basic Electricity 26711 12:30am
3rd Computer Chemistry 65913 12:30am
Electrical Physics-2 65913 12:30am
5th Computer Sequential logic System 66654 12:30am
7th Computer Optional Subject‐II 66676 12:30am
Electrical Instrumentation And Process Control 66863 12:30am


1st Computer Mathematics -1 25911 11:00am
Electrical Mathematics -1 25911 11:00am
3rd Computer IT Support 65913 11:00am
Electrical Communicative English 65722 11:00am
5th Computer Accounting Theory & Practice 65851 11:00am
7th Computer Innovation & Entrepreneurship 65853 11:00am
Electrical Innovation & Entrepreneurship 65853 11:00am
1st Electrical Electrical Engineering Materials 26712 12:30am
3rd Electrical Advance Electricity 65931 12:30am
7th Electrical Testing and Maintenance of Electrical Equipment 66775 12:30am
Computer System Analysis & Design 66671 12:30am